
As a developer, I learn by building things. Here are a few projects I've worked on that I'm pretty pleased with.

🌱 Tech Garden

Tech Garden is a personal space where I document my tech tools, development notes, and handy references. This is a place to learn a few things in tech!

🌱 Tech Garden
DocusaurusMDXTypeScriptTailwind CSSReact.jsDocumentation

🏓 Emoji Pong Game

This is a mini project inspired by the Emoji Game on Instagram, recreated in expo. Gesture handlers, creating micro-interactions using react-native-reanimated library.

🏓 Emoji Pong Game
React NativeExpoReanimatedTypescriptreact-native-gesture-handlerexpo-router

🗣️ Flashcards Learning App

Tinder-style swipeable flashcards to learn new languages along with audio for word pronunciation.

🗣️ Flashcards Learning App

✹ Health App Mood Bar Animation

This is a mini project that contains animation inspired by Apple Health App, recreated in expo.

✹ Health App Mood Bar Animation

💳 Card Animation

This is a mini project that contains a card wallet library with flip gesture & animation, created in expo.

💳 Card Animation